Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I've made a few subtle changes to my blog. I want to make more but have a fear. A lot of "casual" bloggers, I have noticed, will make a bunch of changes as a last ditch effort to motivate themselves to blog more. Usually it ends up as a dead blog. I would like to change the template, but don't really like any of bloggers "ready-made" templates...and besides, changes that drastic means certain death.

Seriously though, we have been going through a lot of changes. We have seen God work so much in our lives recently that it's amazing. He truly does take care of his children. Maybe I'll take some time and post about some of the areas He's working. And not just our lives, but friends and family around us, too.

This is a picture of our pet turkeys that were supposed to be butchered for Thanksgiving last year. This picture shows them at probably a couple months old. Tommy and Yap-Yap have been very good pets. Tommy turned out to be such a friendly turkey that we decided not to "invite" them to Thanksgiving dinner last year. Tommy was a bit compulsive about pecking people on the back-side, but despite that, she was very fond of humans. She would follow you around the yard and plop herself down wherever you were working. She especially liked sitting right behind your feet. A 40-50 pound bird is easy to trip over. She was very fond of sitting in mud puddles(?). I had to put Tommy down this weekend for some health reasons that I wont go into. I know it sounds extremely odd, but it was kind of hard for me. Tommy was like a friend. She was there when I was splitting wood. She was there when I was working on the van in the freezing rain (although she kept pecking my hand every time I went to grab a tool). She aloud you to pick her up and carry her around (although the older she got the harder it was...once again, 40-50 lbs.). She will be missed. By her sister, Yap-Yap; by the children; by myself and my wife; by anyone who has tripped over her or been pecked in the back-side by her.

Well, that's all for now. I have much more to say but have to get the older kids up to start math with them. It didn't happen yesterday. I inadvertently slept in. I don't feel bad though, it was my birthday; which my wife and kids made very special. They are the best!

God bless.

1 comment:

Muddy said...

A belated Happy Birthday!

I found a few templates online that worked with blogger. Just takes time to find them and then play a bit. Right now I am back with a template from blogger, mainly out of laziness. LOL.

I liked a post you did early on, about how you tried to blog regularly, but it suffered your own personal time with God...and you chose to blog less than more to make sure you kept your appointment with God each day regular.