Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Special Day

On this day in 1975 God gave me a very special gift. Not only did he give this gift to me, but to the world. She has caused many laughs and many tears in our home. The first time I saw her, she captivated my heart. That's right, Kate Winslet of "Titanic" proportions turns 31 today.
Just kidding. This is actually her birthday, but I found out by googling this date. This is my wonderful wife's birthday. She truly is very special and valuable...beyond "Titanic" proportions. She has been such a blessing in our home. She brings balance to me. She brings support and encouragement. That God would bless me with such a help-meet! She saw fit to marry a young kid with no direction and no motivation. She sees fit to stay with an older kid with wild dreams of becoming a farmer and still no motivation (for more than 12 years now!). She's put up with job changes and moves and also apparent stand-stills. She encouraged me through my dreams of becoming and engineer, and then a doctor, then back to an engineer. She puts her own personal dreams and goals on hold for the good of the family. She's very giving and tenderhearted (although she probably wouldn't admit it). She loves me when I'm not so loveable. She's great with her babies...all of them. And they love and cherish her (as do I). She is a keeper at home. She is a full-time: mother, teacher, nurse, counselor, cook, maid, nanny, motivational speaker, lawn-care specialist, gardener, launderer, hog slopper, horse groomer, farmer (in-training)...etc. You get the idea. Most important, she's a child of God and she's my wife, and I love her.
Happy Birthday, Eshell!!
troy (cm)


Anonymous said...

You are way to kind Mr.Knapp!

Love you always,
Troy's help-meet/thorn

Troy said...

You are my best've kind of grown on me.