Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A "Slice" of Truth

I've been stopping by a blog for the past couple weeks that I find fascinating and informative. It's called Slice of Laodicea and was started by a lady who has been a Christian radio talk show host for several years. We used to listen to her when we lived in Warsaw, Indiana (she's syndicated from Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Her focus is to shed light on the "new and improved" churches of today.  Someone recently sent her a note explaining his situation and the changes his church is going through. I've pasted the note below. He also posted a letter on the door of the church building expressing his concern. It's a bit lengthy, but I feel so strongly of the content of the letter, I'm going to post it in it's entirety here later.I would just link to it, but I'm terrible about following links from web-sites. If I post it, at least I've put it in front of you and have given you the opportunity to read it.

Dear Ingrid,

I have been reading your blog for the past year. I used to be a Media Director at an evangelical Church until 3 months ago. Recently, the church moved into a new building and really been pushing Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Church model. The leadership also shifted to more "relevant" forms of worship. When I was on staff, I really became convicted that the church was watering down the gospel and was headed in the wrong direction. I finally confronted the Pastor about it, and he immediately asked me to resign.

He also asked the Children's Director to resign also, because we were considered "poison" by going against the vision or dream of the church.

Anyway, my friend and I have been regular readers of your blog and have appreciated the discernment put forth. This weekend we posted a letter on the door of the church (in the spirit of Luther) voicing our concerns about the direction of the church. I'm not sure what it will do--Probably nothing, unfortunately.

But just a note of encouragement, my friend and I are both young (24). I used to be swayed by the emergent and relevant teaching, but through your blog, as well as other ministries like Way of the Master, the Holy Spirit has really changed my heart and corrected my thinking. I plan on going into the ministry to become a Pastor and am attending seminary this January.

Thank you for what you do. There are still young people out there who are willing to stand for Biblical principles!

God Bless.

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