Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Gift Ideas

I stumbled across a news article the other day. These selfless ladies across the pond are gifting the world with their own sterilization. They both feel that having a child would only add to the problem of climate change and overpopulation. One went so far as to have an abortion before sterilization. All for the sake of the earth. One made the comment about meeting her second husband "We both passionately wanted to save the planet - not produce a new life which would only add to the problem." What a caring lady.
The other lady in the article filtered through several boyfriends before finding the right one. Her revelation of the evils of childbearing went like this:
"I realised then that a baby would pollute the planet - and that never having a child was the most environmentally friendly thing I could do."
How much of yourself are you willing to give this holiday season?

Next up for the gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender christian in your life: the Gay and Lesbian Bible.
We have here another lady who did the world a favor. She's the first of all previous bible scholars who could actually translate the bible properly. A bible that does NOT speak out against homosexuality. Up until now, we had no way to translate some of the Hebrew and Greek words accurately. But now, we have a bible that caters to the gay and lesbian christians. "Don't feel comfortable coming to the Lord and allowing him to change your life? Don't worry about it! We have a bible that says you can live in the sinful, hell-bound lifestyle that your accustomed to!" If you go to the "About Us" page of the website, she gives some ridiculous example of why she needed to do this. And no, she didn't do this just for the gays and lesbians. She did this to get the accurate translation into the hands of a misled world. She just happened to name it the Gay and Lesbian Bible.

And lastly as I was doing some research, I found out that the original NIV translation had a very open, very active lesbian on it's translating team. In fact, she believes that God is a woman. She also believes that Jesus was born
parthenogenetic (because Mary had a child without male fertilization); meaning that "born in parthenogenesis; that parthenogenetic births are always female; that in some cases, therefore, he would be willing to refer to Jesus as 'she' -- up until the last minute of sex reversal, in which case Jesus remains chromosomally female throughout life, but functions as a normal male and looks like a normal male". If your curious about who helped translate the holy, infallible word of God into the train wreck that is the NIV, do a search for Virginia Ramey Mollenkott. She's very proud of her work.

Being an engineer, I have a theory. I think we should pick and island and put the sterilized ladies (and their mates) as well as the gay and lesbian christians on an island. Let them have all the food and water they need for survival. Than check on them in 50 years. See how the commune is thriving. I have a feeling that Darwin may have been right. The weak of the species would die out. Obviously the sterilized men/ladies won't be reproducing. Even more obviously the gays and lesbians won't be reproducing (unless they're cheating). How can this thinking be right? Do they not understand science and biology? My head hurts...

1 comment:

The Gruenwald Family said...

Troy, I just sent a message to Eshell. You visited Marquette Missionary on Sunday and I'm one who led the singing. I told Eshell that I googled her name to see if she had a website on homeschooling. A lot of moms do. When I did, I found your blog. I have a blog, but I rarely type anything. Anyway, I read your most recent blog. Boy, that sounds like quite an article! I thought your comment about Mollenkott was interesting. Some of our good friends are KJV only. We read a book called The King James Only Controversy by James White. If you haven't read it, I highly suggest it. They address Mollenkott in one chapter. Kenneth Barker, the Executive Director of the NIV Translation Center, wrote a response when asked, "Were there homosexuals on the NIV translation committee?" He said, "These charges have no basis in fact. Here are the facts. It it true that in the earliest stages of translation work on the NIV, Virginia Mollenkott was consulted briefly and only in a minor way on matter of English style. At the time she had the reputation of being a committed evangelical Christian with expertise in contemporary English idiom and usage. Nothing was known of her lesbian views. Those did not begin to surface until year later in some of her writings...But it must be stressed that she did not influence the NIV translators and editors in any of their final decisions." White also notes that many scholars believe King James was a homosexual but this doesn't mean the KJV takes a permissive view on homosexuality. Anyway, we found t White's book to be very informative. If you have more information on the good, the bad, and the ugly, when it comes to translations, please don't hesitate to share. We enjoy discussions that challenge us to dig for the truth.:) In Christ, Rachel