Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Apparently the only inconvenient truth for Al Gore is that his "documentary" and the "facts" that it contains are unsubstantiated. A couple of articles by Joseph Farah from WorldNetDaily goes into detail. It appears that the popularity of this movie has been sweeping through governments and school systems alike. Both US schools and UK schools have made this mandatory viewing material. One man in the UK had different ideas. He was a concerned parent involved in what his children are being taught. He took this matter to the court system. The UK court ruled that many of the claims in the movie that are conveyed as fact are indeed untruths. The UK ruled the following points of the movie as false:
  • that sea levels will rise 20 feet in the foreseeable future due to ice melts;
  • that people are evacuating Pacific island nations because of rising sea levels;
  • that the "oceanic conveyor" belt is in danger of shutting down and triggering a new ice age;
  • that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have historically caused temperatures to rise;
  • that global warming is causing a retreat of Mount Kilimanjaro's alpine glacier;
  • that global warming is causing Africa's Lake Chad to dry up;
  • that global warming contributed to Hurricane Katrina;
  • that polar bears are dying due to receding sea ice;
  • that global warming is causing coral reefs to bleach and die.
Farah then states "This is the very heart of Gore's film! It has all been ruled a fraud in a court of law. Yet American schoolchildren are still being massively subjected to this torturous propaganda." His points are basically two-fold. First being that we (as Americans) are still willingly allowing the public educational system feed this drivel to our children. And second, why isn't Al Gore being confronted with these findings. He has not come forward and denied the court ruling. He has not tried to clear his name. He has remained rather hushed about the episode. The UK schools are still allowed to show the film, but it must be introduced with "an explicit disclaimer that it is "partisan," "political" and is riddled with misleading exaggerations and factual errors".
My Take:
I have not seen the movie. I have no desire to see the movie. So how can I report on it? Two reasons. One, this is MY blog. And two, I am just relaying a couple articles that I read. Actually, I have read a lot about the movie. And I've read both sides. The court ruling goes along with a lot of what many scientist and climatologist are saying. I understand that there are many on the other side as well. I feel that we do misuse many of the resources that God has given us. What the others are saying is that we need to "inconvenience" ourselves to reverse these detrimental effects to great mother earth. Is there more we could do? Sure, but so many studies have proven that man is not cause of this. This is a natural cycle. Cows and camels pump more carbon into the atmosphere than what man does. Maybe we should cleanse the earth of camels and cows. You know...for the sake of the planet. Maybe Al Gore should stop zooming around the world in jet airplanes consuming mass amounts of fossil fuel and expelling huge amounts of carbon.
At any rate. I thought the articles were interesting and I thought the cartoon was funny. Feel free to read the articles yourself.

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