Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Words of Wisdom

It’s amazing what gems you’ll stumble across if you sit quietly and listen. These words of wisdom were overheard at my company picnic this summer.


A mother to her child: “Eat your supper, not your butter!”


Hmm…may not have everyday application, but should probably file it away for future reference.


Then just a couple weeks ago I was playing a game with Grace, our 4 year old. She was ready to move on to another game:


Grace: “Where are those ‘burp-sticks’?”

Me: “Burp-Sticks?”

Grace: “Yeah, Abigail’s little burp-sticks.”


I thought for a minute. Then it occurred to me that the day before she was playing with Abigail’s ‘hiccup-sticks’. Abigail had received Pick-up Sticks for her birthday from a grandma. Somehow a transition transpired from ‘Pick-up Sticks’ to ‘Hiccup-Sticks’ and from ‘Hiccup-Sticks’ to another bodily function; ‘Burp-Sticks’. Sometimes it’s like detective work just figuring out what your little ones are trying to say.

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