Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Divided Church

How can we call ourselves “THE Church” when we are so divided? Is it our pride that gets in the way that doesn’t allow us to fellowship with others who might worship a little differently? I have been to a church where the minister would say, from the pulpit, that they were the only denomination (although they don’t claim to be a denomination) going to heaven. I know that is a bold statement that most people or ministers would dare not say. But do we feel that way? The Church of Christ wont lower their standards to associate with someone who doesn‘t believe how they believe. The Baptists are too occupied with themselves. And nobody wants anything to do with the Pentecostals and charismatics. It’s not just one group. And this is not an all-inclusive list. I’m not saying that each of these groups would hold true to this across the board. I have worked in all of these groups, and in this area have seen this to be true for the most part. There are always exceptions.

I don’t believe that it will be one select group going to heaven. I don’t believe it will be one denomination. We are supposed to go out and evangelize the world, but we can’t get along with the church down the street. Can you imagine if our outreach was unified? Could you imagine the effectiveness? If we took our personal opinions and preferences out of the mix and just went out and taught the love and salvation of Jesus? If the churches in the United States were united, can you imagine the impact on the world? I have known ministers that felt so grudgingly towards each other they would not even say “hello” on the street. I believe that Satan has the church in a state of dissention that only God could pull us out of. If Satan can keep us out of union with each other, this greatly reduces our effectiveness. We dislike each other so much. How can we grow spiritually if we have a hatred in our hearts. If we feel we are the only ones right, how can we be teachable? This is not even going into non-unity within a specific denomination or even a specific congregation. We have built such solid walls between denominations that no man could pull them down.

I read a book a while ago about the Chinese underground church. About the unity they had from house-church to house-church. A big problem was the shortage of Bibles. They sent the message out expressing what they needed. People started send Bibles and all was good. They had a Bible and a faith that could not be quenched. They were seeing miracles and healings and God moving so heavily on the Chinese people. These were not Pentecostal or charismatic people. Like I said, they had a Bible and a faith. Than, along with the Bibles, people started sending denominational literature with the Bibles. This caused such a split in the churches, they still have not fully recovered. They were now sending out requests for Bibles and nothing more. They can see what damaging effects a divided body has. Why can’t we see it?

All true Christians have the same goal in mind. Why can’t we put our selfish pride and worship styles on the back burner and get along with people? I don’t foresee a global church. I don’t think all churches will unite any time soon. And like I said, if it does happen, it’s only by the grace of God. What can we do on more of a local level, or even personal level that could help this cause? I need to look at myself and see what walls I have built that need to come down. Just something to think about.

God Bless!

“…holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Heb. 12:14


Anonymous said...

I agree with your post today. If only more would grasp it's simple truth. The Body should never be divided because it weakens the effectiveness of the whole Body to others. Man has from the beginning tried to limit and divide the Lord into human reasoning and it always fails. If we all embrace believers with love and not doctrinal differences maybe the world would want what we have?

Troy said...

That's a good thought. I have actually heard people say that is why they don't go to church. People can't get along in church; why would they want to be a part of it. Like I've said in the past, I believe the lost are looking for something not of the world. Thanks for reading.

Regan Clem said...

Great thoughts, Troy.

The only problem is everyone wants the unity on their grounds. They want the music style and the doctrines they believe. Most people can't stand to be in a worship service that has a different musical style than the one they prefer. Some go as far as to condemn other music styles. Music is about as silly and extreme as you can get in the church today, and everyone has a reaosn for the church doing music in the style they prefer.

Regan Clem said...

Great thoughts, Troy.

The only problem is everyone wants the unity on their grounds. They want the music style and the doctrines they believe. Most people can't stand to be in a worship service that has a different musical style than the one they prefer. Some go as far as to condemn other music styles. Music is about as silly and extreme as you can get in the church today, and everyone has a reaosn for the church doing music in the style they prefer.

Regan Clem said...

Great thoughts, Troy.

The only problem is everyone wants the unity on their grounds. They want the music style and the doctrines they believe. Most people can't stand to be in a worship service that has a different musical style than the one they prefer. Some go as far as to condemn other music styles. Music is about as silly and extreme as you can get in the church today, and everyone has a reaosn for the church doing music in the style they prefer.

Regan Clem said...

Great thoughts, Troy.

The only problem is everyone wants the unity on their grounds. They want the music style and the doctrines they believe. Most people can't stand to be in a worship service that has a different musical style than the one they prefer. Some go as far as to condemn other music styles. Music is about as silly and extreme as you can get in the church today, and everyone has a reaosn for the church doing music in the style they prefer.

Troy said...

Thanks, Regan, Regan, Regan, Regan,

I also agree with that, and I thought about it as I posted this morning. You know how I feel about contemporary music, but if I thought that was the only problem with the church, I think I would stick it out. Not that I have anything against musical instruments but I would almost rather be non-instrumental for this reason. No one can decide what's right. If you remember when we were talking about home-churching down here, that was one of the first things I brought up. No instruemnts because no one can agree on how far to take it. As for doctrine, this too will always be a divisive issue. That's why I doubt there will ever be a global church.

Regan Clem said...

I have no idea why that posted so many times. That is blogspot on drugs.