Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Still Waiting

Well, now we wait. We wait to see how big of a stink we make over this.

When we went to bed last night at about 11:00 EST President Bush had a pretty sizable lead. We were really waiting to see who took Ohio and Florida. Two key swing states. We were multi-tabbing on the web (thanks to Mozilla) between Fox News, CNN, MSN and possibly some others. Most of them were pretty consistent. Like I said, we went to bed.

My wife got up at 1:30 this morning to use the bathroom and get the baby. She said "why don't you go downstairs and check things out." I was sleeping very good and mumbled something about it being alright and tried to go back to sleep. After that, I started having nightmares. It was Sen. Kerry's booming voice saying "Kerry wins Ohio...Kerry wins Florida...Kerry wins Pennsylvania." Needless to say, I wasn't sleeping well after that. I got up at 2:30 and came downstairs. I checked four different websites. The previously mentioned and one other that I can't remember (it was early). Two of them said that President Bush was at 269 electoral votes (needing 270 to win). The other two could not agree on where Bush was and all four of them had Kerry at all different electoral votes!?!? Two of them said Ohio was Bush's and the other two said it was too close to tell just yet. I checked the break-down by states and Fox News reported that Bush gathered over 100,000 more votes in Ohio than did Kerry. What's in question? After all is said and done it wouldn’t surprise me to see a disgruntled Al Gor..I mean John Kerry down in Florida somewhere wearing flannel and sporting a bushy beard. That’s my election prediction.

Tomorrow, hopefully back to normal. Spiritual, life changing issues. Until then.

God Bless!

“…holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Heb. 12:14


Anonymous said...

What happen to holiness? I thought this site was about drawing closer to God through holy living. Get back to what you are good at and leave politics alone. We all know that you are a conservative right- winger.

Regan Clem said...

The anonymous critics. You gotta love them.